Amintas Brandão Jr.

Graduate Research Assistant 

I am a Brazilian Environmental Engineer with nearly two decades of experience in scientific studies in the Amazon. I have a specialization in Applied Statistics from the Federal University of Pará, and an MS in Environmental Modeling from Clark University. I am currently finishing my PhD in Environment and Natural Resources at the Nelson Institute, University of Wisconsin, with Professor Holly Gibbs as my advisor.

My research focus is the use of geoprocessing and remote sensing to measure, monitor, and analyze the impact of human activity on tropical forests. Before starting my PhD, I worked for almost fifteen years at Imazon under the supervision of Dr. Carlos Souza Jr. I also coordinated for eight years the greenhouse gas emissions estimates of the Land Use Change sector of the SEEG Project led by the Climate Observatory.

I joined the GLUE lab in the fall of 2016, to analyze the impact of the cattle supply chain on deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. In addition to collaborating on the development of methods and protocols to analyze deforestation in the cattle supply chain, I support the implementation of VISIPEC and lead together with the team, the engagement with key stakeholders- (e.g the Federal Prosecutor's Office) to improve and expand the Cattle Agreements against deforestation in the Amazon.

My main interests are decision support tools, carbon emissions, land change modeling, programming, and geocloud computing applications.