Opportunities at GLUE

New Opening (4/27/2022) – Postdoc – Remote Sensing of U.S. agriculture and irrigation.  More information and how to apply here.

Thanks for investigating opportunities in the Gibbs Land Use and Environment (GLUE) Lab at UW-Madison! We will have funded graduate student and post-doc positions available in Fall 2023.

The following geographies and topics are the best fit for funded opportunities:

  • US: Agricultural land use; modeling of ecosystem impacts, water quality, endangered species; or re-purposing lawns to grow food and habitat
  • Colombia and Peru: Oil palm, coffee, or cattle production and supply chain dynamics, including impacts on deforestation and biodiversity
  • Global: land and carbon mapping and assessments

In general,we seek candidates with the following categories of skills:

  • Quantitative: econometrics, statistics, data science tools, remote sensing, GIS, ecosystem modeling
  • Qualitative: field survey skills, policy analysis
  • Communication: experience writing journal publications and policy briefs for general audiences; presenting and collaborating with companies, policymakers, and NGOs
  • Other: expert on the country of interest, fluency in Spanish (Peru and Colombia work) or Portuguese (Brazil work)

To apply to GLUE, please send your CV, statement of research interests, and ideally a writing sample to Holly Gibbs (hkgibbs@wisc.edu). We will reply to all graduate student candidates sometime in November.

Please refer to the Nelson Institute. and Geography for how to apply to those degree programs.