GLUE Media

Washington Post | Demand for meat is destroying the Amazon. Smarter choices at the dinner table can go a long way to help.
The Guardian | ‘Loophole’ allowing for deforestation on soya farms in Brazil’s Amazon
Bloomberg | How Big Beef Is Fueling the Amazon’s Destruction
Just Style | New project said to be the largest to map leather supply chains
Washington Post | E.U. seeks to block import of commodities that drive deforestation
New York Times | How Americans' appetite for leather in luxury SUVs is worsening Amazon deforestation
Popular Science | World leaders promise to end deforestation. Is that even possible?
The Bueau of Investigative Journalism | Loophole lets soya farmers tear down the Amazon
Mongabay | Deforestation-free beef stymied by Brazil’s unequal supply chain
Mongabay | Soy moratorium averted New Jersey-size loss of Amazon rainforest
Bloomberg Green | Bloomberg Green - Why It’s So Hard to Stop Amazon Deforestation, Starting With the Beef Industry
Reuters | One Brazilian farmer tried – and failed – to ranch more responsibly in the Amazon
Forbes | Rotten Apples Could Spoil Brazilian Soybean Exports
The Guardian | A fifth of Brazilian soy in Europe is result of deforestation
BBC | Amazon soya and beef exports ‘linked to deforestation’
CNN | Brazil’s beef and soy exports to the EU linked to illegal deforestation, study finds
Reuters | A fifth of EU soy imports from Brazil could be tainted by deforestation
Phys | Revealing Brazil’s rotten agribusinesses
Mongabay | Only a few ‘rotten apples’ causing most illegal Brazil deforestation
Hellenic Shipping News | A fifth of EU soy imports from Brazil could be tainted by deforestation
Medium | The rotten apples of Brazil’s agribusiness
New Food | Study reveals scale of illegal soy and beef exports from Brazil to EU
The Cattle Site | Amazon deforestation linked with soya and beef production
Merco Press | A fifth of Brazilian soy exports to EU may have come from illegally deforested land
Eco Debate | 20% da soja e carne exportadas para a UE podem estar vinculadas ao desmatamento ilegal
UOL | Cerca de um quinto da soja e carne brasileiras vêm de desmatamento
La Vanguardia | Soja y vacuno que los europeos compramos a Brasil a costa la Amazonia
D Noticias | Até um quinto da soja exportada do Brasil para a UE deriva da desflorestação ilegal
G1 | Soja e carne exportadas do Brasil para UE podem ter rastro de desmate ilegal
Jornal do Comercio | Desmatamento pode contaminar 20% da soja e 17% da carne exportadas à Europa
Green Report | Le mele marce dell’agribusiness brasiliano
Green Me | Un quinto della soia europea viene dalla deforestazione in Brasile
Klima Reporter | Brandbeschleuniger Handel
Tagesspiegel | EU importiert zwei Millionen Tonnen Soja von illegal gerodeten Flächen
La Croix | Au Brésil, on déforeste illégalement pour exporter le soja vers l’Europe
Villes et Communes | Brésil: 20 % des exportations vers l’Europe proviennent de la déforestation illégale
The Economist | How big beef and soya firms can stop deforestation
The Commons | SAGE associate professor and Geography graduate research fellow publish three papers on carbon stocks
Christian Science Monitor | Saving the Amazon: How cattle ranchers can halt deforestation
On Wisconsin | Earth’s Bright Future
The Guardian | Meat company faces heat over ‘cattle laundering’ in Amazon supply chain
New York Times | Why Did a Vow to End Amazon Fires Falter? Blame ʻCattle Launderingʼ
Mongabay | Brazilian beef industry plays outsized role in tropical carbon emissions
Nature | The crop that’s gobbling up a vast Brazilian ecosystem
Mongabay | Giant Norway pension fund weighs Brazil divestment over Amazon deforestation
Mongabay | Cargill rejects Cerrado soy moratorium, pledges $30 million search for ideas
Science News | New global study reveals the ‘staggering’ loss of forests caused by industrial agriculture.
Mongabay | Do environmental advocacy campaigns drive successful forest conservation?
Mongabay | Zero-deforestation pledges need help, support to meet targets, new study finds
Press release | Avoided Deforestation Linked to Environmental Registration of Properties in the Brazilian Amazon