Fanny Moffette


Fanny is a Post-doctoral Researcher at the University Wisconsin-Madison’s Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment (SAGE), where she applies her expertise in econometrics and statistical analysis to understand land-use responses to environmental policies in the Brazilian Amazon. She received her Ph.D. in Applied and Agricultural Economics in June 2018 at the University of Wisconsin-Madison for her research on “Forest Conservation and Agriculture: Land Use Trade-Offs and Spillovers”, advised by Prof Jennifer Alix-Garcia. Motivated to lead policy-improving research, she estimates both the direct and the indirect effects – also called leakage – of policies. A decade of involvement in projects related with sustainability and speaking five languages, Fanny worked with the poorest communities of Honduras, as well as at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN. Before coming to Wisconsin and joining the Gibbs lab, she was a lecturer in Economics for two years in Québec (Canada).