Lisa’s work focuses on agro-ecosystems in Southeast Asia and on processes of land use transition. What are the mechanisms of transition, and what are the implications? What effects do different management practices have at the field, farm and landscape levels?
Lisa is currently a PhD student working with Dr. Matthew Potts at the University of California, Berkeley. Beginning in Summer 2012, Lisa has also been working with the Gibbs’ lab group to help examine potential community-level ramifications of re-situating palm oil production on lower-conservation value lands (elsewhere referred to as degraded, marginal or idle lands).
Prior to joining the Environmental Sciences, Policy and Management program at Berkeley, Lisa worked for The Nature Conservancy, The Center for People and Forests (RECOFTC), and TRAFFIC. Work with these organizations addressed questions related to forest governance and land use, with a particular focus on community forest management and REDD+ in Southeast Asia. Lisa received her B.S., magna cum laude, in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from Princeton University in 2008.
Where are they Now?
Assistant Professor of Geography & Environmental Science at the University of Colorado Denver.